Open Access Article
Journal of Agriculture and Food Science. 2022; 2: (5) ; 15-17 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jafs.20220059.
Research on the Construction of Zhuzhou JiZuishan Ecological Manor Agricultural Complex
王亚涛 *,
湖南有色金属职业技术学院 湖南株洲
王亚涛,单位:湖南有色金属职业技术学院 湖南株洲;
发布时间: 2022-11-29 总浏览量: 961
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关键词: 农业综合体;鸡嘴山生态庄园
Agricultural complex is one of the important carriers of national agricultural modernization. With the continuous enhancement of China's comprehensive agricultural productivity, the relationship between supply and demand of agricultural products has realized the historical transformation of total balance. How to improve agricultural benefits, optimize the structure of agricultural products and increase farmers' income has become a new and more prominent problem.Therefore, through the further development of agricultural complex projects, promote the full integration of agriculture and other industries, and then realize rural revitalization. This paper takes the agricultural complex of Jizuishan Ecological Manor in Zhuzhou City as an example, based on the investigation of its development status, analyzes the main experience and practices in the construction process of the project, and then puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions for the construction and development of the agricultural complex project, in order to provide reference for other regions.
Key words: Agricultural complex; JiZuishan Ecological manor
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