



Open Access Article

Journal of Agriculture and Food Science. 2022; 2: (6) ; 1-6 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jafs.20220061.

Impacts of sulfur-nitrogen interaction on soil saline-alkaline properties and sunflower yield in HetaoIrrigation District

作者: 赖黎明 *, 张鹏, 贾晓雨, 翟钰珏, 林圣博, 金文迪, 董跃龙, 王晓雪

河套学院农学系 内蒙古巴彦淖尔;河套学院河套灌区农业土壤研究中心 内蒙古巴彦淖尔

河套学院农学系 内蒙古巴彦淖尔

*通讯作者: 赖黎明,单位:河套学院农学系 内蒙古巴彦淖尔;河套学院河套灌区农业土壤研究中心 内蒙古巴彦淖尔;

发布时间: 2022-12-30 总浏览量: 1148


单质硫(S0)与氮(N)素间的交互作用能够大于它们单独的作用之和。本研究通过随机区组田间试验,评估S0与不同施氮量的互作对河套灌区向日葵地碱性土壤的盐碱性与产量的影响。试验处理施氮量包括4个水平[N0(未施氮肥)、N1(35 kg尿素/667m2)、N2(26.25 kg尿素/667m2)、N3(17.5 kg尿素/667m2)] ,6个重复,2020年未施用硫肥,2021年施用硫肥。结果显示,施用单质硫肥能够分别降低0~20与20~40 cm土壤的pH值0.36与0.31,也可降低土壤碱化度、交换性钠、阳离子交换量。施用单质硫肥能够在N3下使产量达到最大。这些发现预示着,硫氮互作能够改良河套灌区的碱性土壤,并可降低施氮量。

关键词: 硫氮互作;向日葵;土壤盐碱性质;产量;河套灌区


The interaction between elemental sulfur (S0) and nitrogen (N) element exceeds the sum of their separate effects. In this study, we evaluated the impacts of the interaction of S0 and different N fertilization rates on the soil saline-alkaline properties and yield of sunflower field in Hetao Irrigation District (HID) by conducting a randomized block field experiment. The experimental treatment included 4 levels [N0 (no N fertilizer), N1 (35 kg urea/667m2), N2 (26.25 kg urea/667m2), N3 (17.5 kg urea/667m2)], 6 replicates. No S0 was applied in 2020 and S0 in 2021. The data showed that the S0 significantly reduced the pH values at the 0-20 and 20-40 cm depths by 0.36 and 0.31, respectively, and reduced the soil exchangeable sodium percentage, exchangeable sodium, and cation exchange capacity. The S0 can maximize the yield at the N3 among the 4 levels of N fertilization rates. These findings indicated that the sulfur-nitrogen interaction can improve the alkaline soil and reduce the N fertilization rate for the sunflower in the HID.

Key words: Sulfur-nitrogen interaction; Sunflower; Soil saline-alkaline properties; Yield; Hetao Irrigation District

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赖黎明, 张鹏, 贾晓雨, 翟钰珏, 林圣博, 金文迪, 董跃龙, 王晓雪, 硫氮互作对河套灌区向日葵地土壤盐碱性质与产量的影响[J]. 农业与食品科学, 2022; 2: (6) : 1-6.