Open Access Article
Journal of Agriculture and Food Science. 2024; 4: (1) ; 40-42 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jafs.20240009.
The combined effects and metabolic effects of licorice with other drugs in chicken rearing
陈国宝1,2 *,
1 甘肃泛植制药有限公司 甘肃兰州
2 甘肃省甘草制品开发与应用技术创新中心 甘肃兰州
陈国宝,单位: 甘肃泛植制药有限公司 甘肃兰州 甘肃省甘草制品开发与应用技术创新中心 甘肃兰州;
发布时间: 2024-03-25 总浏览量: 707
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关键词: 鸡;甘草;联合作用;代谢
In the process of poultry breeding, in order to treat various diseases caused by bacterial infections, antibacterial drugs are usually used, but the use of antibacterial drugs can induce gram-negative bacteria to release endotoxins. At this time, both endotoxin and antibacterial drugs can induce liver injury in poultry. At the same time, the residues after the use of antibiotics have a certain impact on poultry meat and egg products facing the market. At this time, the use of licorice products can not only protect the liver of poultry, but also accelerate the metabolism and discharge of some drugs in the animal body, which is very meaningful for poultry farming. In this paper, the combined effects and metabolic effects of licorice products and other drugs in the process of raising chickens were reviewed, hoping to provide some reference and help for veterinary drug developers and farmers.
Key words: Chicken; Licorice; Joint action; Metabolism
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