关键词: 鱼类;养殖业;可持续发展策略
This paper discusses the strategies for sustainable development of fish farming, covering a detailed analysis of the current status of fish farming and the challenges it faces, a systematic assessment of environmental impacts, an in-depth exploration of sustainable farming technologies, strategies for farming management and policy support, ways to expand the market and build brands, as well as a summary of strategies and a prospect for future development. The article highlights issues related to water pollution, ecological damage, excessive consumption of feed resources, disease prevention and control, and drug use, and proposes innovative solutions such as recirculating aquaculture systems, rice-fish symbiotic systems, the development of efficient feeds, and green disease prevention and control strategies. In addition, the article also explores the necessity of farming standardization, policy guidance, market expansion, brand building, and coping with international standards and trade barriers. Finally, the article summarizes the strategies for sustainable development of the fish farming industry and looks forward to the future development trends of the industry.
Key words: Fish; Aquaculture; Sustainable development strategies
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