



Open Access Article

Journal of Agriculture and Food Science. 2022; 2: (1) ; 1-6 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jafs.20220001.

Research progress on polyploidy mutagenesis of chinese cabbage vegetables

作者: 房桂萍, 范孟媛, 成玉富 *, 杨旭, 陈学好

扬州大学园艺与植物保护学院 江苏扬州

*通讯作者: 成玉富,单位:扬州大学园艺与植物保护学院 江苏扬州;

发布时间: 2022-06-23 总浏览量: 1424



关键词: 白菜;多倍体;诱变


Chinese cabbage is native to China, divided into Chinese cabbage and non-heading Chinese cabbage, Chinese cabbage is also known as celery cabbage, non-heading Chinese cabbage is also known as pakchoi, garden sass, flowering Chinese cabbage, etc.; it is one of the main leafy vegetables in various parts of China, and occupies an important position in vegetable production and market supply. Polyploid plants are morphologically enormous, manifested by the enlargement of roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. Chinese cabbage vegetables mainly use tender leaf clusters, leaf bulbs, flowers or young stems as edible organs, and the huge and tender edible organs are exactly what consumers need. The characteristics of the morphological giganticity of polyploid plants are particularly important in the performance of Chinese cabbage, and they are also of the most development value. In this paper, the overview of Chinese cabbage multiplication sports species, the method of colchicine induction and polyploidy of Chinese Cabbage species, the identification method of polyploidy and the characteristics of Chinese cabbage polyploidy are summarized, and the research and application potential of polyploidy induction technology in cabbage breeding is discussed. Compared with diploid plants, Chinese cabbage tetraploid plants are heavier, the leaves are enlarged, and the leaves are more rounded, so that the Chinese cabbage varieties are more robust, the yield is higher, and it can also meet the consumption needs of the people. The quality of tetraploidy in Chinese cabbage is better, and the content of chlorophyll, soluble protein, amino acids, vitamin C and soluble sugars is significantly increased compared with diploid, and the content of crude fiber is decreased. And tetraploid Chinese cabbage and diploid hybridization is not affinity, will not be naturally hybridized with other diploid Chinese cabbage, easy to keep seeds and pure. Therefore, it is of great significance to mutagenic Chinese cabbage polyploidy, cultivate new varieties of Chinese cabbage polyploidy, and promote and apply in production.

Key words: Chinese cabbage; Polyploidy; Mutagenesis

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房桂萍, 范孟媛, 成玉富, 杨旭, 陈学好, 白菜类蔬菜多倍体诱变研究进展[J]. 农业与食品科学, 2022; 2: (1) : 1-6.